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Authenticator Extension APIs

The following can be found in package


// Authenticator is an interface for verifying signatures and
// deriving a string identifier from the sender bytes. Custom
// asymmetric signature algorithms may be implemented by developers
// by implementing this interface.
type Authenticator interface {
// Verify verifies whether a signature is valid for a given
// message and sender. It is meant to be used with asymmetric
// signature algorithms such as ECDSA, Ed25519 RSA, etc. If the
// signature is invalid, the method should return an error. If
// the signature is valid, the method should return nil.
Verify(sender, msg, signature []byte) error

// Identifier returns a string identifier for a given sender.
// This string identifier is used to identify the sender when
// interacting with the Kuneiform engine, and will be used as
// the `@caller` variable in the engine.
Identifier(sender []byte) (string, error)