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Extension-based Changes


The coordinated upgrade system and hardfork definitions defined here are experimental. The system is likely to change in the future as use cases are evaluated.

Defining the Changes

A set of well-defined changes may be specified using kwild's extension system, which allows network operators to customize a network without forking or modifying the kwild source. The extensions/consensus.Hardfork Go structure is used to define several well-defined types of changes that are exposed by its fields. See the godocs for reference.

The set of functionality changes currently possible with the extension system are:

  • New transaction payloads to recognize. Specifically, defining a new core/types/transactions.Payload and PayloadType that should be recognized.
  • Updates to registered authenticators. These are core/crypto/auth.Authenticator types that perform signature verification and identification with certain key types such as secp256k1.
  • Updates to the resolutions that drive governance-based transactions. These specify extensions/resolutions.ResolutionConfig instances to add or update, and named resolution types to remove.
  • New serialization schema (codecs) for transaction payloads. e.g. Borsch instead of RLP. This is a list of new core/types/serialize.Codec instances to enable.

In addition to the above changes to pluggable functionality updates, which are persistent after activation, the following occur only at the activation height:

  • Parameter changes to return to the consensus engine (CometBFT) when finalizing the block at the activation height. For example, block size or application version. Changes to Kwil-specific parameters such as vote expiry may also be specified. This is an instance of extensions/consensus.ParamUpdates.
  • One time arbitrary alterations to application state. This is exposed in case there are state changes that must be done in concert with the other rules changes. For example, corrective actions or preparation for new functionality.

Building kwild with Customizations

Refer to the extension documents for creating a customized build of kwild. The process is the same, but with an init() function calling consensus.RegisterHardfork with the definition established as per the previous section. See test node for an example.