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Example: Network-Level Schema

This example demonstrates how to use hooks to implement a network-level schema. Unlike user-defined schemas, which are not deployed when the network starts and can be dropped, network-level schemas are not owned by a user, and exist for the lifetime of the network. This is particularly useful in cases where you need to guarantee a schema always exists.

This example shows a basic schema that is written to once per block. It contains a single table, blocks, where each height is registered. This example is likely not useful in any real world scenarios.

Step 1: Implement the Schema

Below is the basic schema we will be deploying. It contains a single table, blocks, with a single column, height.

database blocks;

table blocks {
height int primary key

// we use owner to guarantee that only the deployer (network consensus in this case)
// can call this procedure
procedure insert_block() public owner {
insert into blocks values (@height);

Step 2: Genesis and End Block Hooks

Below, we have a file that implements two hooks: a genesis hook and an end block hook. The genesis hook deploys the schema, and the end block hook inserts a new row into the blocks.

package main

import (
_ "embed"


var (
//go:embed blocks.kf
genesisSchema []byte
// networkIdent is used to identify that the schema belongs to the network,
// instead of a user.
networkIdent = "network"

func init() {
// parse the schema so we can deploy it
schema, err := parse.Parse(genesisSchema)
if err != nil {

schema.Owner = []byte(networkIdent)

// Use a genesis hook to deploy the schema when the network is started.
err = hooks.RegisterGenesisHook("blocks_deploy", func(ctx context.Context, app *common.App, chain *common.ChainContext) error {
// deploy the schema
return app.Engine.CreateDataset(&common.TxContext{
Ctx: ctx,
BlockContext: &common.BlockContext{
ChainContext: chain,
Height: 0,
Signer: []byte(networkIdent),
Caller: networkIdent,
}, app.DB, schema)
if err != nil {

// Use an end block hook to insert the block number into the schema.
err = hooks.RegisterEndBlockHook("custom_end_block", func(ctx context.Context, app *common.App, block *common.BlockContext) error {
// execute the procedure
_, err := app.Engine.Procedure(&common.TxContext{
Ctx: ctx,
Signer: []byte(networkIdent),
Caller: networkIdent,
BlockContext: block,
}, app.DB, &common.ExecutionData{
Dataset: schema.DBID(),
Procedure: "insert_block",
return err
if err != nil {