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Custom JS Signers

Similar to how the Kwil node can be configured with custom signature verification, the kwil-js client library can be configured with custom signers. This allows you to support crypto wallets beyond the default ones supported by kwil-js.

KwilSigner Class

The JS SDK provides a KwilSigner class that can be used to sign transactions with custom signers. The KwilSigner class is a wrapper around a signer function that takes a message and returns a signature. It can be passed to any API that requires a signer.

class KwilSigner {
signer: (msg: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>,
identifier: HexString | Uint8Array,
signatureType: SignatureType
  • signer is a callback function that takes a message and returns a signature.
  • identifier is the unique account identifier (e.g. public key or wallet address) of the signer. It can be passed as a hex string or a Uint8Array.
  • signatureType is the name of the signature extension. This is the name that is passed to the RegisterExtension function in the extension.

The KwilSigner class can be passed to any API that requires a signer. For example, it can be passed to the execute function of the WebKwil class:

import { KwilSigner } from '@kwilteam/kwil-js';
import { WebKwil } from '@kwilteam/kwil-js';

const customSigner = new KwilSigner(/* signer config */);
const kwil = new WebKwil(/* kwil config */);

kwil.execute(/* transaction */, customSigner);