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Node Setup and Configuration Tools

The setup command provides functions for creating and managing node configuration and data, including:

  • performing quick setup of a standalone Kwil node (init) and Kwil test networks (testnet)
  • updating genesis config with initial SQLite files (genesis-hash)
  • resetting node state and all data files (reset)

Quick Setup of a Single Kwil Node

The init command facilitates quick setup of an isolated Kwil node on a fresh network in which that node is the single validator. This permits rapid prototyping and evaluation of Kwil DB functionality.

For example, to create a node configuration for a new network in a node root folder at ~/.kwild-new:

$ kwil-admin setup init -o ~/.kwild-new
Generated genesis file /home/user/.kwild-new/abci/config/genesis.json
Successfully initialized node directory: /home/user/.kwild-new

The above command also generated a new config.toml and private_key file in the node directory.

Additional nodes may join this new network by specifying the existing node as a persistent peer in kwild's configuration and in the validators section of the genesis configuration. See Kwil Daemon Configuration for more information on node setup.

Creating a New Test Network of Several Nodes

The setup testnet command is used to create multiple node configurations, all with the same genesis config, and pre-configured to connect to each other. This command has several options:

kwil-admin setup testnet [--validators V] [--non-validators N] [--config FILE]
[--output-dir DIR] [--node-dir-prefix PRE] [--hostname-prefix PRE]
[--hostname-suffix SUF] [--starting-ip IP] [--hostnames HOSTNAMES] [--p2p-port PORT]

There are defaults for each flag, with the output writing to a folder called .testnet in the current folder. For example, the following command creates a new test network with 8 total nodes comprising 4 validators and 4 non-validators:

$ kwil-admin setup testnet -o ~/.kwild-testnet-xyz
Successfully initialized 3 node directories: /home/jon/.kwild-testnet-xyz

$ tree ~/.kwild-testnet-xyz
├── node0
│   ├── abci
│   │   ├── config
│   │   │   └── genesis.json
│   │   └── data
│   ├── config.toml
│   └── private_key
├── node1
│   ├── abci
│   │   ├── config
│   │   │   └── genesis.json

The config files for each of the nodes will specify all of the other nodes as persistent peers so that they will connect to each other on startup. This is generally only practical for small test networks with fewer than 12 nodes.

The following options may be used to control what is generated:

  • --validators or -v is the number of validators [default: 4]
  • --non-validators or -n is the number of non-validators [default: 4]
  • --config is a template config file to use, default is none
  • --output-dir or -o is the parent directory for all of generated node folders [default: ".testnet"]
  • --node-dir-prefix is the prefix for the node directories (node results in node0, node1, ...) [default: "node"]
  • --hostname-prefix is the prefix for node host names e.g. node results in node0, node1, etc.
  • --hostname-suffix is the suffix for node host names e.g. results in,, etc.
  • --starting-ip is the starting IP address of the first network node, with subsequent nodes on the next address in the subnet
  • --hostnames overrides all hostnames of the nodes
  • --p2p-port or -p is the TCP port on which each node listens for P2P connections

Updating Genesis Config with Initial SQLite Data

If preparing a network with initial databases, it is required to update the "app hash" in kwild's genesis configuration to reflect the initial state that includes one or more SQLite files. The syntax is:

kwil-admin setup genesis-hash [--genesis GENESIS] [DBDIR]

Both inputs are optional, using default paths. GENESIS is the path to the genesis file to patch, which is ~/.kwild/abci/config/genesis.json by default. The DBDIR argument is the directory containing all of kwild's SQLite files to be hashed, which is ~/.kwild/data/kwil.db/ by default.

Resetting All Application Data

To delete all of a Kwil node's data files, use the reset command.

WARNING: This command should not be used on production systems. This should only be used to reset disposable test nodes.

kwil-admin setup reset [--root_dir DIR] [--force] [--sqlpath DIR] [--snappath DIR]

This command only requires one: (a) --root_dir to specify a node root directory containing the files to reset, or (b) --force to automatically reset the files in the default node root directory at ~/.kwild.

The paths to the SQLite files (--sqlpath) and snapshots (--snappath) are optional, but provided here since they are configurable on the node.