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Kwil provides utilities for altering core network state from within extensions. With a database connection, you can use these utilities to get user balances, transfer tokens, update validator power, and more. These are accessed in the package. For example, to credit an Ethereum address with 100 tokens, you can use the Credit function.

package main

import (


func someExtensionFunction(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB) error {
// Ethereum address to credit
address := common.HexToAddress("0xB7E2d6DABaf3B0038cFAaf09688Fa104f4409697")

// Credit an account with 100 tokens
err := functions.Accounts.Credit(ctx, db, address.Bytes(), big.NewInt(100))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil



Credit an account with a given amount of tokens.

func Credit(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte, amount *big.Int) error


Transfer tokens from one account to another.

func Transfer(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, from, to []byte, amount *big.Int) error


Get the balance and nonce of an account.

func GetAccount(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte) (*types.Account, error)



Get the power of a validator.

func GetValidatorPower(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte) (*big.Int, error)


Get a list of all validators and their powers.

func GetValidators(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB) ([]*types.Validator, error)


Set the power of a validator. If the account is not a validator, it will be added to the validator set. If the power is set to 0, the account will be removed from the validator set.

func SetValidatorPower(ctx context.Context, db sql.DB, account []byte, power int64) error