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Kuneiform Resolution Extension APIs

The following can be found in package


import (


// ResolutionConfig is a configuration for a type of resolution.
// It can be used to define resolutions that a Kwil network can vote
// on, and define the resulting logic if the resolution receives the
// required number of votes.
type ResolutionConfig struct {
// RefundThreshold is the required vote percentage threshold for
// all voters on a resolution to be refunded the gas costs
// associated with voting. This allows for resolutions that have
// not received enough votes to pass to refund gas to the voters
// that have voted on the resolution. For a 1/3rds threshold,
// >=1/3rds of the voters must vote for the resolution for
// refunds to occur. If this threshold is not met, voters will
// not be refunded when the resolution expires. The number must
// be a fraction between 0 and 1. If this field is nil, it will
// default to only refunding voters when the resolution is confirmed.
RefundThreshold *big.Rat
// ConfirmationThreshold is the required vote percentage
// threshold for whether a resolution is confirmed. In a 2/3rds
// threshold, >=2/3rds of the voters must vote for the resolution
// for it to be confirmed. Voters will also be refunded if this
// threshold is met, regardless of the refund threshold. The
// number must be a fraction between 0 and 1. If this field is
// nil, it will default to 2/3.
ConfirmationThreshold *big.Rat
// ExpirationPeriod is the amount of blocks that the resolution
// will be valid for before it expires. It is applied additively
// to the current block height when the resolution is proposed;
// if the current block height is 10 and the expiration height is
// 5, the resolution will expire at block 15. If this field is
// <1, it will default to 14400, which is approximately 1 day
// assuming 6 second blocks.
ExpirationPeriod int64
// ResolveFunc is a function that is called once a resolution has
// received a required number of votes, as defined by the
// ConfirmationThreshold. It is given a readwrite database
// connection and the information for the resolution that has
// been confirmed. All nodes will call this function as a part of
// block execution. It is therefore expected that the function is
// deterministic, regardless of a node's local configuration.
ResolveFunc func(ctx context.Context, app *common.App, resolution *Resolution) error


import (

// Resolution contains information for a resolution that can be voted
// on.
type Resolution struct {
// ID is the unique identifier for the resolution. It is a UUID
// that is deterministically generated from the body of the
// resolution.
ID types.UUID
// Body is the content of the resolution. It can hold any
// arbitrary data that is relevant to the resolution.
Body []byte
// Type is the type of the resolution. It is used to determine
// the logic for the resolution.
Type string
// ExpirationHeight is the block height at which the resolution
// is set to expire, if it has not received the required number
// of votes.
ExpirationHeight int64
// ApprovedPower is the total power of the voters that have
// approved the resolution.
ApprovedPower int64
// Voters is a list of voters that have voted on the resolution.
// This includes the proposer of the resolution.
Voters []*types.Validator
// Proposer is the voter that proposed the resolution body.
// The power of the proposer can be found in the Voters list.
Proposer []byte
// DoubleProposerVote indicates whether or not the proposer voted
// twice on the resolution. This tracks a special case in the
// Kwil voting process where a resolution can be voted on before
// it has been officially proposed. If a validator votes on a
// resolution and later proposes the same resolution, this will
// be true. The proposer's power is not counted twice in the
// resolution's ApprovedPower. Most applications can ignore this
// field.
DoubleProposerVote bool